The work is part of the “India” series.
After another foray into India in February 2018, I began a series of works that focus on the human figure.
In the “India” series I tried to put the experiences of Indians and Tibetans on canvas, capturing as much as possible of what they have transmitted to me. Beauty has a very special meaning in this part of the world, combining with simplicity and fulfilment.
After a large meeting with Tibetan masters, I chose to participate with a small group in satsang, a discussion initiated by one of the young Tibetan sages. The little girl in the picture was looking at us through the window of the room. I was fascinated by the fairy-tale image she created, her childlike energy, her beauty, innocence, the curiosity with which she looked at us. The presence of red in her clothes added a touch of optimism, of liveliness, of zest for life. I photographed her and then at home I transposed that wonderful moment on canvas.